Saturday, 26 February 2011


In a place like India and specially the eastern part of UP and western side of Bihar, where there are plenty of un-agriculturaled land, with alarming economic condition, poverty, rich population density, illiteracy, unemployment, surrounded by villages, forest, mountains of vindhyan and Kamoor, plenty of Gangatic plan, the awareness about Jatropha Curcus shall be a important tool for economic empowerment of society and thus our nation.
Our foundation Prof. S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation have long experience in cultivation, collection, processing, propagation, herbal and herbal product for its importance for socio-economical development of our nation.
Jatropha and similar non edible oil plants, medicinal plants are the part of herbals, which if cultivated shall become the part of agriculture and horticulture, so these all sectors are in a same domain of population which depend on soil, and green nature i.e. agriculture, horticulture and forest produce.
Our foundation have conducted several seminars, camp, conference, workshop, still and mobile exhibition since 1993 with support to Govt. and Semi Govt. organization in above field. Few photocopies of our activities are enclosed herewith for your kind information and needful.
Recently our foundation have been provided by Bio-diesel plant with support of TDTD Department, Govt. of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Technology, for which we are much thankful. The same have been properly imported planted and installed in a building, in closed vicinity of villages, suburb and urban area, situated on national highway NH-2, now in district Chanduali, recently bifurcated from Varanasi district. This place is Border of UP and Bihar.

Our foundation feels strongly the popularization of Jatropha curcus in following heads.

1.                  Collection and cultivation
2.                  Industrial and agricultural processing for several products and byproducts.
3.                  The use of products and byproducts of Jatropha curcus, oil, bio-diesel, glycerin, medicinal use.
4.                  The research and development related to Jatropha curcus collection, cultivation, proving quality and propagating its economic importance, new commercial use.

The Jatropha have been the timely important tool of developing country. The following are salient cause which drives and needs the present attention of population of our country towards Jatropha.

1.                 Jatropha and R&D
2.                 Escalating crude oil prices, alternative Jatropha Bio-fuel is thus required to reduce dependency on non-renewable fossil oil.
3.                 Jatropha curcus as a source of renewable energy.
4.                 Jatropha oil over other food based vegetable oil as development of jatropha as industry.
5.                 Jatropha oil and other vegetable oil the economic basis of comparison to ensure sustainability.
6.                 Jatropha as source of Bio-fuel.
7.                 Jatropha in the pharmaceutical industry.
8.                 Jatropha-Bio-energy as Bio-mass and power generation.
9.                 Jatropha and economic growth.
10.             Jatropha new jobs opportunity
11.             Jatropha for rural development
12.             Jatropha as medicinal plants and fertilizers
13.             Jatropha-National Bio-fuel policy for reducing financial burden on Govt.
14.              National acceptable definition of sustainable Jatropha oil production.
15.              Jatropha and collaboration to ensure sustainable supply.
16.              Banaking and finance for development of Jatropha Industry.
17.              Jatropha and education.
18.              Jatropha and carbon credit
19.              Jatropha, forestry and social forestry
20.              Jatropha Environment and Pollution      

We need a stirring meeting with stake holder of Jatropha curcus and its products and society who shall be useful in promoting and popularizing the Jatropha curcus and its products. There are still a lot of myth about Jatropha hence society needs to understand the healing potentiality of the subject. Jatropha is at its infancy stage presently. It is not secret that energy stimulates economic growth. Thus bio-diesel and bio-energy derived from Jatropha have important role on socio economic growth of our nation.
The propagation and popularization about Jatropha and its product as bio-fuel and bio-energy shall reduce the financial burden and shall help our country grow economically in many ways.
Our foundation, hope that the seminar and workshop shall be a moves to link to Jatropha and stake holders for sustainable supply and economical growth and thus prosperity of our nation.
The following institution, department shall be called for rigorous stirring to frame recommendation for further actions.

1.                  CSIR, Govt. of India
2.                  DST, Govt. of India
3.                  NOBORD, Ministry of Agriculture              
4.                  DBT, Govt. of India
5.                  ONGC, Govt. of India
6.                  Electric department
7.                  Medicinal Plant Board
8.                  Forrest Department
9.                  Agriculture Department
10.              Horticulture Department
11.              Institution like BHU, DLW, 39 GTC, Vidyapith University, SS University
12.              Local administration- commissioner, district magistrate, CDO and BDO
13.              Bio-Energy Mission, Planning Department, Uttara Pradesh, Govt. of India
14.              Municipal committee.
15.              Industry department
16.              Railway department
17.              Banking
18.              Media

-- Dr. Vachaspati Tripathi. 

PhD. Pharmaceutical Scientist, B.Pharma. (Hons.), M. Pharma, IT BHU
S.R.F., U.G.C. (Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Ayurveda)
S.R.F., U.G.C. ` (Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences)

Proprieter - Surya Pharmaceuticals
Managing Director- Surya Nutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd.

General Secretary – Prof. S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation
Member Expert Committee on Bhasma, DST, GOI
President - Sanatan Sanskrit Kendra 
Former Member - National Committee for Natural Products - Planning Commission, GOI
Address - 71 Krishna Bagh Nagwa Varanasi-05, U.P. INDIA
Phone - 091-0542-2367855
Mobile - 09415225324, 09335090700

Friday, 25 February 2011

Under Corporate Social Responsibility Scheme


1.                   Global warming is alarming happening on earth
2.                   Ozone layer depletion and green gas effect is increasing
3.                   Environment pollution becomes a serious global issue.
4.                   Aviation petrol is consumed by air services “Contributing fuel affluent in the atmosphere resulting global warming & pollution”.
5.                   Natural Medicinal plants are good for health promotion which comes under AYUSH, Ministry of Health Government of India.

Our foundation appeal to Indian Aircraft Services to come forward and compensate the environmental pollution and global warming resulting due to fuel affluent by Indian Aircraft Services without any compulsion under Corporate Social Responsibility Scheme “Green Eco-Friendly Programme” and become first internationally, to preserve environment.

Objective: The plantation of medicinal plant, shrubs and tree, ornamental plants by air passengers in association with Indian Aircraft Services can promote plantaton, resulting several benefits to preserve needful environmental conditions along with health improvement by use of medicinal herbs having healing effect resulting good health.

Process: The plantation material can be exhibited in the departure waiting lobby (out side security check area) only for demonstrations along with leaflet / booklet / material telling in brief about the healing quality of medicinal plants of Ayurvedic/health importance and also about the economic importance of the herbs. The arrival lobby should have plantation material of medicinal and economical or ornamental importance, for sale only the leaflet / booklet containing knowledge about Ayurvedic/Medicinal/ ornamental/ economical plant shall be duly published and made available in the craft behind the seat bags and exhibition places in launge/lobby.

While the general information delivery inside the boeing/aircraft and also in the waiting lounge the information regarding the plantation of plant/ tree shall be promoted and propagated. The plantation scheme/ eco friendly scheme related talks & programme shall be promoted, made awaired to passengers.

Logic: It is assumed that the people traveling in air journey are more responsible, time conscious, comparatively rich, hence they can understand the scheme, a green Eco-friendly programme and contribute the environmental preservation.
Under the social responsible service programme, the Air services should come forward and compensate the environment imbalance due to fuel affluent and global warming by the aircraft.

Request: Hence our foundation, most humbly request the Indian aircraft services, airport authority, Ministry of aviation, Ministry of envionment, Ministry of health/ayush/Ayurveda to accept the proposal, voluntarily, Green Eco-friendly programme for the first time in International scenario & should take lead, in preserving Natural environment condition at the same time they can promote the natural healing system for health promotion AYUSH herbs. Our foundation also appeals to Ministry AYUSH to cooperate & promote natural healing process by promoting AYUSH knowledge, products & medicinal plant.
Our foundation offers to coordinate all the process.

--- Dr. Vachaspati Tripathi. 

PhD. Pharmaceutical Scientist, B.Pharma. (Hons.), M. Pharma, IT BHU
S.R.F., U.G.C. (Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Ayurveda)
S.R.F., U.G.C. ` (Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences)

Proprieter - Surya Pharmaceuticals
Managing Director- Surya Nutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd.

General Secretary – Prof. S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation
Member Expert Committee on Bhasma, DST, GOI
President - Sanatan Sanskrit Kendra 

Former Member - National Committee for Natural Products - Planning Commission, GOI
Address - 71 Krishna Bagh Nagwa Varanasi-05, U.P. INDIA
Phone - 091-0542-2367855
Mobile - 09415225324, 09335090700

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Appeal for Anti-corruption

Dear friends,
    I have mailed the enclosed draft upon Invitation Advertisements  by Mr. Shri K. Subramaniyam, OSD to CVC, Central Vigilance Commission, Satarkata  Bhawan, INA, New Delhi – 110023, Email – appeared  in Daily news paper “The Hindu” dated Sept. 6, 2010 on page no.  2, “To make strategy to control corruption”, the same is mailed to your kind self for your information and comments.

Shri K. Subramaniyam
Central Vigilance Commission
Satarkata Bhawan, INA
New Delhi – 110023
Email –

      Just today when I got the english news paper, "The Hindu" a day after, because this paper reaches here a day afterwards.
            In my opinion, the root cause of corruption is immorality, antinationality and poverty.
In my view corruption can be controlled by working in the root cause, that is, by achieving the following

1   Nationality and Morality 
2   Prosperity  
3   Indian life style where Yam- Niyam is the integral part of good health, mental and physical both,  and thus for good society.


Thus we need programme and plan for awareness and inplementation of above.

I am  the Gen. Sec. of "S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation" and performed many activities as seminar, workshop and mobile exhibition in the name "Bharat Samridhi Rath" and distributed handbills,booklets,products and CD with speech and patriotic achieve the above three points.

We wrote and distributed a theme song to achieve the above three, as follows

le‘) Hkkjr xku

  fudys gS ge
  iFk ifFkd cu djA
  yksx feyrs tk;saxs lej esa
  dkjoka¡ cu djAA
cPps i<+sa gj gkFk dks gks dke
  ekrk&firk cguksa dk gks lEekuA
  fo+Kku rduhfd ls gks gj dke
  Hkkjrh; laLd‘fr dk u gks viekuAA
izd‘fr djs /kjk dks lqlfTtr
  Ik;kZoj.k u gks yfTtrA
  Ykgjkrk jgs lnSo frjaxk
  dSyk’k&fgeky; vkSj xaxkAA
fgUnw gSa u ge eqlyeka
  igys ge gSa Hkkjrh;A
  ygw ds jax dks igpkuksa
  ekVh gS iqdkjrhAA
u gksus nsaxs ge dyafdr
  ohjksa dk cfynkuA
  mBks tkxks pyks tokuksa
  lkdkj djks Hkkjr dk LokfHkekuAA
[ksrh&ckjh vkSj fdlku
  ftl ns’k dh gks ÓkuA
  ,sls le‘ð Hkkjr dh
  iqu% fo’o esa gks igpkuAA

To promote nationality and morality along with awareness programs "Indian  Citizens of Proud" should be recognized and symbol should be provided,  between age group of 35 and 50 who can be role model in the society, a brief  note is mentioned here with and detail article regarding how to get this and  also with us, which can be provided to you if you think this programme is useful  for your need.

Need to recognize Indian Citizens of Proud
  between 35 to 50 yrs.

    It is seen and observed that youngster with unlawful activity and criminal backgrounds ultimately become more successful and rich, affecting and stimulating the budding youth as role model in the materialistic age.

   Recognizing good people may be 1000 persons yearly, at young age, through  out India and offering them, VIP status and some light symbol may be purple  or of any color car light as recognition in society, which will be visible  in public, shall be a great attraction and driving phenomenon for people in  society. We may call them Indian citizens of proud (ICPs).

  This is as important as to making a canal of pure water among several existing  canals or rivers of polluted water and shall be a great attraction of driving  phenomenon for the people in need of water.

   The Indian Citizen of Proud (ICP) can be the role model in society for the  budding youth of 15-21 yrs of age at no financial cost. Every year many services  are offered and people are selected for country level administrative services.  They work till their retirement and get pension through out their life, which  involves cost.
This is a Scientific Fact that corruption exist in developing country, such  initiative to recognize Indian citizen of proud (ICP) (Hkkjrh; xkSjo’kkyh  ukxfjd) shall definitely ensure moral building among the budding youth of our  nation.

   To bring prosperity we have the programme "Need to Develop Herbal Industry  commission", this will help about 80% of our population, a brief note  is mentioned here with and detail article can be made available upon demand.

Need to Develop


For Over All Health & Socio Economic Development  of our Nation: a management, scientific and technological innovation
  The global herbal market is more than US$ 60 Billion which is growing 7-12%  annually and likely to become US$ 5 Trillion by the year 2050. As per planning  commission documents the global share of Indian herbal products is less than  2% of the global market.
  Herbal products are patent or classical industrial products, formed by non  conventional or conventional agricultural, forest or marine produce, resulting  in many fold value addition,intended to be used externally or internally for  mankind, animal or agriculture. It includes Neutraceuticals, Cosmoceuticals,food products, pesticides, fertilizers, bio-diesels and other plant products.

   Herbal Industry Commission shall be the co-ordinating nodal body which will  communicate between Industries, agriculture, Science & Technologies, Education,  HRD, Administration & different Ministries, to overcome the barriers and  fulfills the need mentioned below, to achieve the global herbal market of US $60 Billion.

     There are as many as 23 benefits of herbal industry which directly or indirectly  offer benefits to agriculture, rural sector, poor, SC & ST, employment  generation to skilled and unskilled worker, R&D activities, health system,  country economy and many more industry. This will increase GDP with indigenous  manufacturing.
   The CD of the Mobile Rath and out come of the seminar entitled "Charitra  Ka Twarit Nirman' can be made available upon your demand
    I hope your kind perusal to the above; will certainly bring a healthier society  without the corruption & crimes.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Proposal to bring Prosperity in our Country through Herbal Industries Based on Herbal, Horticulture, Agriculture and Forest based Plant Cultivation, Processing and Marketing

By : Vachaspati Tripathi
General Secretary, Prof. S.N.Tripathi Memorial Foundation

Herbal products are patent or classical industrial products formed by non-conventional or conventional agriculture, forest, horticulture or marine produce, resulting in many fold value addition, intended to be used externally or internally for mankind, animal or agriculture. It includes Neutraceuticals, Cosmoceuticals, food products, Ayurvedic, Pharmaceuticals, Phytochemicals, oils, pesticides, fertilizers, bio-diesels, bio-gas, paper and other plant products.

The interest in herbal products is encouraging, safe healing properties, newer researches scientific validation and claims of natural products are attracting the global attention. A group of herbal product is coined as food supplement or functional food in the world market. However even after having wisdom of Ayurvedic knowledge and great biodiversity in India, our nation being classified as Agriculture based country, our contribution to global herbal market is less than 2 %.
Government is taking several initiatives to improve this sector as constitution of medicinal plant board and horticulture mission etc. However, because of lack of proper coordination, we are not able to get proper benefit of our efforts.

Facts :
·        The global share of Indian herbal products is less than 2 % of the global market.
·        Despite the fact that India, the wisdom of Herbal knowledge, not only has a rich bio-diversity but also have traditional knowledge based on therapeutic efficacy of a large number of medicinal plants.
·        The global herbal market is more than US$ 70 Billion which is growing 7-12 % annually and likely to become US$ 5 Trillion by the year 2050.

Serious and emergence steps are required to fulfill the needs (requirement) and remove the barrier (obstacle) of herbal industry to achieve the global excellence.
On the basis of outcomes of past mobile exhibition “Bharat Samridhi Rath”, Seminar, Workshop, meeting one-to-one interaction and experience, Foundation came to conclusion, depending upon the need, that a serious and urgent attention required to form a Government body which can coordinate between different departments concerned with herbal industries and to fulfill the need and provide the support to achieve the excellence in the herbal product for growth of industries, so that the stake holders of herbal industries, almost 80 % of the population, may be benefited and prosperity can be achieved.

Following are the needs – (3P requirements)
·        To produce herbs and herbal products;
·        To prove the products quality, safety, purity and efficacy;
·        To propagate the products, use and healing properties.


1.                  Herbs are colleted and cultivated from forest, mountains and rural sectors providing jobs to almost about 80% of citizens of India including skilled & unskilled workers resulting growth in agriculture GDP.
2.                  Science & Technology–Research and development bring new formula, properties techniques, formulations & products thus develop patent & scientific results creating job opportunities for scientific and other manpower.
3.                  New formula, formulation and product results in Industrial processing and Industrialization which creates job opportunities and employment to various class of people including technical, Skilled, semi skilled & unskilled resulting growth in Industrial GDP.
4.                  Products need to be safe, pure, effective and standardized for qualities for basic need of consumer, to compete in market and achieve excellence. This further provides job for scientist, skilled & semi skilled people.
5.                  Proper logistic/ transportation & timely safe delivery of finished goods, herbs and raw material within the country and abroad brings prompt services and further beauty in the brand establishment and goodwill of company and country, ultimately add to excellence. This further offer job opportunity to logistic sector persons including unskilled, semi skilled & skilled people.
6.                  The proper education, coordinated management, marketing, regulatory, rules & policies are required to fulfill the needs and remove the barriers thus offering common platform judicious base & working business environment to compete in global market & meet the challenges to achieve global excellence.


·        Limited supply of authentic natural herbal plants,
·        Lack of knowledge of proper harvesting and storage, 
·        Lack of proper processing plants,
·        Lack of herbal quality testing facility,
·        Lack of systematic chemical and biological evaluation processes
·        Over control of drug licensing department,
·        Lack of interest of agriculture, food processing, horticulture, marketing and industry department in promoting this sector
·        Lack of proper networking between farmers, industries and marketing department. 
·        Lack of proper agronomic procedures for medicinal plant cultivation

Action plan

1.                  Policies required to facilitate herbal product marketing & export.
2.                  Science & Technology is required to standardize and prove safety, purity & efficacy of herbal product and develop new Herbal product.
3.                  Since, herbal products are value added Industrial products, which are used as food in global market, hence food processing policies should be friendly and promotive for their manufacturing, marketing, logistic, standardization, storage etc.
4.                  Cultivation and collection of herbs should be promoted by proper agriculture action group.
5.                  Collection of herbs should be monitored, preserved & advertised from forest area.
6.                  Industrial policies should be favorable to herbal Industries.
7.                  Regulatory affairs should be re-examined with respect to herbal product and herbal industries with reference to International rules.
8.                  Human resources should be properly motivated for activity & knowledge, related to herbal sector.
9.                  Resources or rural area should be motivated for activities & knowledge of herbal industries, their healing properties & economic benefits.
10.              The tribal healing people should be made aware of these benefits & such policies should be made.
11.              Proper planning should be made to capture the global herbal markets.


When the Indian herbal products acquire the global excellence in qualities, will compete in global market and capture the bigger share of global herbal market. This will result in job generation, employment, self employment, among the sector of skilled, semiskilled and un-skilled people of our country living in rural, suburb, urban, forest and mountain areas, almost covering 80% of Indian population. Thus bringing over all development of our Nation resulting the prosperity in true sense to the dream of Rashtra Bapu-Mahatama Gandhi.

Previous work done in this regards

1.      The matter was submitted to hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradeshby Our NGO “Prof SNTripathi Memorial Foundation”
2.      Based on her approval a meeting was conducted in Kanpur Industry office and a herbal cell was constituted.
3.      Paper published for The Socio Economic & Health Development of SC’S and ST’S by Natural Resources. Dr. V. Tripathi–National Conference on Educational and Socio–Economic Empowerment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. (Dated 29-30 September 2002)
4.      Paper published for Herbal Adulteration. Dr. V. Tripathi–Swadeshi Patrica vol-9,No.4,Chaitra-Baishakh 2061. April 2004.
5.      Paper published for Scientific and clinical validation of Natural products for Health & Socio economic empowerment of pure Nation. Dr. V. Tripathi–Chronic inflammatory diseases & Nutraceuticals (Molecular Mechanism of Chronic Diseases, New Targets & Drugs and Basic Concept Ayurveda). (Vol-1, 2005)
6.      Paper published for Scientific validation of Natural products to fulfill the futuristic trends in therapeutics vis a vis Health Management. Dr. V. Tripathi–National Symposium on futuristic trends in Pharmaco–Therapeutics & formulation Development. (PTFD- 2005).
7.      Paper published for Herbal industry–A Novel industry for Export Promotion and overall development of Nation. Dr. V. Tripathi–National workshop on Global promotion of Traditional medicine in view of Institute–Industry Relationship.(Dated 8th & 9th November, 2002)
8.      Paper published for Nutraceuticals & Standardization of Clinical Trials of Herbal Products. Dr. V. Tripathi–Proceeding of second international conference on Herbal Drugs & Health Tourism. Organized by – Utthan.(Dated 16th & 17th December, 2003 IIC, New Delhi)
9.      Press conference organized to constitute herbal industry commission at Press Club New Delhi.  
10.  Paper published for “Need to develop Herbal Industry Commission” by Dr. V. Tripathi, MD–Surya Pharmaceuticals–paper published in–Pre-Workshop Proceedings of The two day workshop on Ayurvedic medicines & Practiced–November 13 &14,2006– Ahmedabad, Gujarat, sponsored by TDT Division, Department of Science and Technology, GOI, New Delhi and organized by Indian Geological Congress- Roorkee and B.V.Patel Pharmaceutical Education and research development center–Ahmedabad.(Dated Nov 13 and 14, 2006)
11.  Seminar organized entitled “The importance of Herbal Industry Commission for the socio-economic upliftment of India. organized by Prof. S.N, Tripathi Memorial Foundation (Dated 14th Jan 2007)
12.  “Bharat Samridhi Rath” A mobile exhibition-Jattha organized from 13th October to 31st November 2008 to bring scientific and health awareness for using herbal formulations to remain healthy and to develop herbal based industry.
13.  Workshop on “Technological Intervention in Herbal, Natural, Medicinal, Ayurvedic Products”, on 21st February 2009, Saturday at BHU, Varanasi.

Benefits of Herbal Industries

1)                  Industrial growth..
2)                  Rural Development.
3)                  Health improvement.
4)                  Employment generation for unskilled and skilled person.
5)                  Export.
6)                  Social Uniformity to enhance the feeling of self respect among the farmer, SC, ST, OBC and people living in villages, forest, mountain, involved with Herbal Industry.
7)                  Cow Protection due to use of cow product in industrial process.
8)                  Per capita income growth by cultivation, collection and processing of herbal plants by farmers and industrial growth including all class of people.
9)                  Land usages.
10)              Conservation of plant, other natural resources including extinct species
11)              Pollution Control.
12)              Reducing per capita expenses for health management by creating awareness for herbal healing properties.
13)              Eco-Friendly System thus controlling global warming and Ozone Layer depletion.
14)              Land and soil conservation.
15)              Conservation of herbal knowledge, securing patent right under intellectual property right act and becoming GLOBAL KING in herbal products trade.
16)              Scope of scientific research, technology & development.
17)              Health tourism
18)              Herbal natural healing without side effect and toxic affect thus saving people by ADRs.
19)              Nutraceutical sector.
20)              Cosmoceuticals sector.
21)              Revenue generation.
22)              Conservation of Indian Health systems and Traditional Practices like Ayurveda, Unani Siddha system
23)              World market due to patent law application.
24)              Prevention of adverse drug reaction (ADRs) by modern allopathic health system.

Vachaspati Tripathi
Pharmaceutical scientist, Herbal Ind. Expert & Social Reformer.
General Secretary-Prof. S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation
Founder-Herbal Industry Cell, Directorate of Industry UP
Add- 71/Krishna Bagh Nagwa Varanasi-221005 UP 
Contact-09415225324, 09335090700