Dear friends,
I have mailed the enclosed draft upon Invitation Advertisements by Mr. Shri K. Subramaniyam, OSD to CVC, Central Vigilance Commission, Satarkata Bhawan, INA, New Delhi – 110023, Email – appeared in Daily news paper “The Hindu” dated Sept. 6, 2010 on page no. 2, “To make strategy to control corruption”, the same is mailed to your kind self for your information and comments.
Shri K. Subramaniyam
Central Vigilance Commission
Satarkata Bhawan, INA
New Delhi – 110023
Email –
Shri K. Subramaniyam
Central Vigilance Commission
Satarkata Bhawan, INA
New Delhi – 110023
Email –
Just today when I got the english news paper, "The Hindu" a day after, because this paper reaches here a day afterwards.
In my opinion, the root cause of corruption is immorality, antinationality and poverty.
In my view corruption can be controlled by working in the root cause, that is, by achieving the following
1 Nationality and Morality
2 Prosperity
3 Indian life style where Yam- Niyam is the integral part of good health, mental and physical both, and thus for good society.
Thus we need programme and plan for awareness and inplementation of above.
I am the Gen. Sec. of "S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation" and performed many activities as seminar, workshop and mobile exhibition in the name "Bharat Samridhi Rath" and distributed handbills,booklets,products and CD with speech and patriotic achieve the above three points.
We wrote and distributed a theme song to achieve the above three, as follows
le‘) Hkkjr xku
fudys gS ge
iFk ifFkd cu djA
yksx feyrs tk;saxs lej esa
dkjoka¡ cu djAA
cPps i<+sa gj gkFk dks gks dke
ekrk&firk cguksa dk gks lEekuA
fo+Kku rduhfd ls gks gj dke
Hkkjrh; laLd‘fr dk u gks viekuAA
ekrk&firk cguksa dk gks lEekuA
fo+Kku rduhfd ls gks gj dke
Hkkjrh; laLd‘fr dk u gks viekuAA
izd‘fr djs /kjk dks lqlfTtr
Ik;kZoj.k u gks yfTtrA
Ykgjkrk jgs lnSo frjaxk
dSyk’k&fgeky; vkSj xaxkAA
Ik;kZoj.k u gks yfTtrA
Ykgjkrk jgs lnSo frjaxk
dSyk’k&fgeky; vkSj xaxkAA
fgUnw gSa u ge eqlyeka
igys ge gSa Hkkjrh;A
ygw ds jax dks igpkuksa
ekVh gS iqdkjrhAA
igys ge gSa Hkkjrh;A
ygw ds jax dks igpkuksa
ekVh gS iqdkjrhAA
u gksus nsaxs ge dyafdr
ohjksa dk cfynkuA
mBks tkxks pyks tokuksa
lkdkj djks Hkkjr dk LokfHkekuAA
ohjksa dk cfynkuA
mBks tkxks pyks tokuksa
lkdkj djks Hkkjr dk LokfHkekuAA
[ksrh&ckjh vkSj fdlku
ftl ns’k dh gks ÓkuA
,sls le‘ð Hkkjr dh
iqu% fo’o esa gks igpkuAA
ftl ns’k dh gks ÓkuA
,sls le‘ð Hkkjr dh
iqu% fo’o esa gks igpkuAA
To promote nationality and morality along with awareness programs "Indian Citizens of Proud" should be recognized and symbol should be provided, between age group of 35 and 50 who can be role model in the society, a brief note is mentioned here with and detail article regarding how to get this and also with us, which can be provided to you if you think this programme is useful for your need.
Need to recognize Indian Citizens of Proud
between 35 to 50 yrs.
between 35 to 50 yrs.
It is seen and observed that youngster with unlawful activity and criminal backgrounds ultimately become more successful and rich, affecting and stimulating the budding youth as role model in the materialistic age.
Recognizing good people may be 1000 persons yearly, at young age, through out India and offering them, VIP status and some light symbol may be purple or of any color car light as recognition in society, which will be visible in public, shall be a great attraction and driving phenomenon for people in society. We may call them Indian citizens of proud (ICPs).
This is as important as to making a canal of pure water among several existing canals or rivers of polluted water and shall be a great attraction of driving phenomenon for the people in need of water.
The Indian Citizen of Proud (ICP) can be the role model in society for the budding youth of 15-21 yrs of age at no financial cost. Every year many services are offered and people are selected for country level administrative services. They work till their retirement and get pension through out their life, which involves cost.
This is a Scientific Fact that corruption exist in developing country, such initiative to recognize Indian citizen of proud (ICP) (Hkkjrh; xkSjo’kkyh ukxfjd) shall definitely ensure moral building among the budding youth of our nation.
To bring prosperity we have the programme "Need to Develop Herbal Industry commission", this will help about 80% of our population, a brief note is mentioned here with and detail article can be made available upon demand.
Need to Develop
For Over All Health & Socio Economic Development of our Nation: a management, scientific and technological innovation
The global herbal market is more than US$ 60 Billion which is growing 7-12% annually and likely to become US$ 5 Trillion by the year 2050. As per planning commission documents the global share of Indian herbal products is less than 2% of the global market.
Herbal products are patent or classical industrial products, formed by non conventional or conventional agricultural, forest or marine produce, resulting in many fold value addition,intended to be used externally or internally for mankind, animal or agriculture. It includes Neutraceuticals, Cosmoceuticals,food products, pesticides, fertilizers, bio-diesels and other plant products.
The global herbal market is more than US$ 60 Billion which is growing 7-12% annually and likely to become US$ 5 Trillion by the year 2050. As per planning commission documents the global share of Indian herbal products is less than 2% of the global market.
Herbal products are patent or classical industrial products, formed by non conventional or conventional agricultural, forest or marine produce, resulting in many fold value addition,intended to be used externally or internally for mankind, animal or agriculture. It includes Neutraceuticals, Cosmoceuticals,food products, pesticides, fertilizers, bio-diesels and other plant products.
Herbal Industry Commission shall be the co-ordinating nodal body which will communicate between Industries, agriculture, Science & Technologies, Education, HRD, Administration & different Ministries, to overcome the barriers and fulfills the need mentioned below, to achieve the global herbal market of US $60 Billion.
There are as many as 23 benefits of herbal industry which directly or indirectly offer benefits to agriculture, rural sector, poor, SC & ST, employment generation to skilled and unskilled worker, R&D activities, health system, country economy and many more industry. This will increase GDP with indigenous manufacturing.
The CD of the Mobile Rath and out come of the seminar entitled "Charitra Ka Twarit Nirman' can be made available upon your demand
I hope your kind perusal to the above; will certainly bring a healthier society without the corruption & crimes.
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