Monday 16 May 2011


Off. 71, Krishna Bagh, Nagwa, Varanasi-221005 (U.P)
Works:Plot No. D-17, UPSIDC Industrial Area, Ramnagar, Varanasi
       Phone: 0091-542- 2366566 & 2367855 Fax: 0091-542 2366566

                                         E-mail –

Ref. No. SP/  331 / 2004 - 2005                                                    Date : 17 .09.2004

            The Director
            National Institute of Pharmaceutical
            Education and Research (Niper)
            Sector 67, S.A.S. Nagar,
            Punjab- 160 062  India

Dear Sir,

The Undersigned is member of subgroup on “Linkages with the National Laboratories, Universities and Industries” of Planning Commission, Government of India under the Committee on Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Research from Natural Products.

I wish to visit your Institute and have discussion with your research group for possible Linkages.

I shall be arriving with my family on 24th afternoon; hence you are requested to arrange my visit and accommodation for 24th night.

I look forward to see you.
Thanking you,
With regards
Yours sincerely

Vachaspati Tripathi
B.Pharma. (Hons.), M. Pharma, IT BHU
S.R.F., U.G.C. (Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Ayurveda)
S.R.F., U.G.C. (Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences)
Managing Director

Off. 71, Krishna Bagh, Nagwa, Varanasi-221005 (U.P)
Works:Plot No. D-17, UPSIDC Industrial Area, Ramnagar, Varanasi
Phone: 0091-542- 2366566 & 2367855 Fax: 0091-542 2366566

E-mail – suryaherbals
Ref. No. SP/        / 2003 - 2004                                                    Date : 01.11.2004


Sub. :  Scientific and Clinical Validation of Natural Products for Health & Socio economic empowerment of our Nation.

Respected Sir,

I take privilege to give my observations and suggestions based on my academic qualification, experience and involvement in the field of manufacturing, practicing, and trading indigenously and abroad, the natural herbal products.

My experience foresees great need and importance of scientific and clinical validation of natural products because they not only cure the disease, but also prevent it and promote the health.  Since this will increase the national and global acceptability of natural products which will further strengthen the industrialization, job opportunity, cultivation and collection of herbs, agriculture and hence the socio-economic empowerment of our nation, effecting, people of all caste and creed from rural and urban areas.  The scientific validation shall further increase the confidence of people in Indian system of medicine.

While scientific validation for clinical efficacy, the natural products must be validated for their safety and purity.  The international standard of quality-analysis and quality-control parameter should be adopted for the acceptability.

Considering the above facts and findings, I, Vachaspati Tripathi, founded the Surya Pharmaceuticals after graduation with honors. and post-graduation from the Department of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University,

by the inspiration of my father, Late Prof. S.N. Tripathi, Former Dean, Faculty of Ayurveda, Head, Department of Kayachikitsa, Institute of Medical Sciences, Regional Director of Collaborating Research Centre W.H.O., Member Executive Council,  Banaras Hindu University.

Prof. S.N. Tripathi was the General Secretary of the 2nd world Conference of Yoga and Ayurveda held in 1987, first time in India which was highly participated by the delegates, throughout the world. In fact, this conference was the first mile- stone for global awareness of Indian Ayurveda, Yoga and Natural products in the world.  This conference was attended by leading doctors, scientists, practitioners and philosophers from Italy, France, Germany, USA, Japan and other parts of the world.

Because Prof. Tripathi was the leading Vaidya/ Physician and also the scientist, he felt the need of effective, pure and safe formulation of Ayurveda and Natural products and inspired me to manufacture the products, so that true Ayurvedic Natural products could be made available in the market for service to suffering humanity. So, aiming of the primary object, the service to suffering humanity, Surya Pharmaceuticals launched several herbal formulations, which are still unique in the market considering the efficacy, purity and safety.

Among the leading products, Surya Pharmaceuticals manufactures the following formulations:

Atherocid tab.            :           For heart and Ischemic heart disease
Nephromed tab. Sp.   :           For Kidney/ Renal Failure
Lipidomed Tab.          :           For Lowering lipids.
Dibetomed Tab.         :           For Diabetes.
Kutjabilwa Panak Sp.:           For chronic amoebiasis
Hepatomed Tab,Sp.   :           For liver disease
Sandhika Cap. :           for joint pains and Arthritis
Brainomed Tab.,Sp.   :           For Brain, stress, & Mental illness

I am of the opinion that if the pure, safe and effective herbal products are scientifically evaluated and made available to people, based on the conventional system of medicines, many dangerous diseases can be prevented and cured, and precious life of people can be saved.

The above products are results of many clinical trials and experimental studies done at the Banaras Hindu University by (Late) Prof. S.N. Tripathi, then, leading Ayurvedic physicians, scientists and visionaries.

Atherocid, a formulation for Ischemic heart disease, and Atherosclerosis, is the combinations of 7ingredients namely, Pushkarmool (I. racemosa), Kuth (S. lappa), Arjuna (T. arjuna), Prishniparni (D. gangaticum), Guggulu (C. mukul), Jalneem (B. monnieri), Shankhpushpi (C. pluricaulis).

Each ingredient is individually, clinically and experimentally evaluated for its preventive and curative properties.  Then, the combination is trailed and found very effective due to synergistic and additive effect of the ingredients.  Hence, the Atherocid is recommended for AntiAnginal, Antihypertensive, Hypolipidemic, Antithromotic, Cardiac tonic, Sedative,  Antistress, Adaptogenic, Antidiabetic, Normalise thyroid function.  So it offers treatment for Multi-dimensional Holistic approach, in post-operative management in IHD patients, in the patients where vescualarization is not recommended, low cost benefit ratio, to prevent the effect of risk factors of IHD. Because of its purity safety and effective properties. The profile about Atherocis detailed is enclosed for detail information.

Similarly, the product Nephromed a combination of Punarnava (B. diffusa),
Goksharu (T. teresterris), Trinpanchmool, Safed Chandan (S. album), Lal Chandan
(P. santalinus), Apamarg (A. aspera), Sirish (A. lebbeck), Sigru (M.
pterygosperma), Varun (C. narvala).  Each single ingredient are clinically and
Experimentally evaluated, the compound drug,  Nephromed shown synergesticand
additive response to control all the systems of kideny-failure.  It is reported that
the Nephromed decreases the level of blood urea and serum creative and increases
the hemoglobin level in the cases of chromic real failure.  In fact, there are no such
medicines available in the conventional system of medicines.  The technique and
treatment available in allopathy are dialysis and kidney transplant, which are
highly expensive and beyond the reach of common people.  Even if these
treatments are used, the body rejects the transplanted kidney in some cases.

Diabetomed tab is indicated for diabetes, a very fastly spreading disease of
metabolic disorder and life-style in the world.  Diabetomed, is a combination of 8 herbs namely Vijaysar, (P. marsupium), Puskarmool, (I. racemosa), Jambu Beej (E. jambolana), Tajpatra (C. tamala), Suddha Shilajeet, Guggulu (C. mukul), Amrita (T. cardifolia) & Mandur Bhasma, which controls and treats all the symptoms responsible for the disease. Each single herb is hypoglycemic. The herbal drugs, such as Diabetomed, needs to be evaluated, upon successful result, the global market can be captured and people can be benefited a lot.  Surya’s product Diabetomed tab. have been found effective and time-tested.  Diabetomed is reported to reduce the blood sugar of many diabetic patients.

It is really surprising that only Surya Pharmaceutical’s products are effective whereas mostly others are not.  I feel the basic motto of practicing. Ayurveda and herbs, is more responsible. Surya considers its profession as service to the suffering humanity and not as business.  Hence, Surya’s formulations contain the sufficient, genuine, real and judicious herbs in their doses, which are reported to have preventive and curative effect along with purity and safety.  Ayurveda is effective pathy, only the bad part of it is that the practices are not fair, due to many reasons.  I am of the opinion and firm determination, if Ayurveda is practised, fairly and scientifically there is no question for its risk and failure.

One major disease of our country is Amoebiasis causing Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Colitis, Chronicenteritis and Irritable bowel syndrome, (IBS) and at most 90% of Indian population is suffering from it.  The chromic Amoebiasis leads to Amoebic hepatitis, causes loss of appetite, weakness, indigestion, gas & constipation further upon delay it leads to piles, fistulas and, some times, mental illness.  Further upon chromic condition and older age it is considered to be responsible for hypertension, Heart disease, Joints pain, Vataja diseases and mental illness. 

The modern chemotherapy is full of side effects, as reported in books of pharmacology it has side-affects like Hepato-toxic, Gastro intestinal manifestation, nephrosis, Purities, Metallic taste, headache, Fatigue and dizziness, Vomiting, Nausea, Anorexia, Stomach pressure, Allergic skin reaction and Contraindicated in Pregnancy.  It also affects Liver-function tests, blood urea concentration and Urinalysis Prolong and frequent use may result in serious nervous illness.  This is clearly mentioned that the modern chemotherapy is abortificient in pregnant ladies.

Surya provides highly effective and safe medicine Kutja Bilwa Panak syrup for Amoebiosis.  It has no side effect.  It has no comparison with any other existing medicine either in allopathy or Ayurved.

The Amoebiosis is a major disease of our country, responsible for malnutrition, weakness and undergrowth of majority of Indian Society including formers, poors, down trodden, SC and ST of our country.  Hence, a safe ant amoebic and ant worm therapy movement must be applied on mass level to prevent the citizens of India from mall neutron and undergrowth or underweight happening.

No doubt, the preventive and health promotive approach of allopathy treatment is highly toxic and unsafe hence not practiced.

As told earlier 90% population is suffering from amoebiasis, upon chronic stage it leads to Amoebic Hepatitis, the liver is inflamed which is considered to be the power station of the body and which, if damaged, causes loss of Appetites, digestion, loss of energy, weakness hence a combined therapy must be given or practiced i.e. Antiamoebic, Antworm and liver promotive, preventive and curative.  It is an international fact that till date, allopathy systems of medicine have no liver corrective or promotive medicines.  Surya Pharmaceutical offers safe, pure and highly effective formulation hepatomed for liver disorders. A few papers are also published in journals of repute, like Indian journal of experimental biology.

 Lipidomed tab, an herbal formulation, is found successful for lowering lipids of body. It is a known fact that lipid causes many dangerous diseases like Atherosclerosis , paralysis, Heart-attack, vascular diseases Dibetics  joint disorder and many more.  So, the Lipidomed can be used as preventive and promotive medicine or supplement for lipidimic disorders.

So, such drugs of Surya Pharmaceuticals which are already in clinical use and practiced for the last 20 yrs, and are reported to have significant effect, must be evaluated.  Surya Pharmaceuticals offers its all products to the Planning Commission, or any responsible health institution of our country to screen scientifically and clinically its all the products in the interest of suffering humanity of India and abroad.

I, Vachaspati Tripathi, am confident that the scientific studies and validation of Surya’s product shall be a new era of health management for developing India as well as for whole world.  Surya’s products are found free from any contamination such as heavy metal, microbials and pesticides.  Surya products are the true Ayurvedic products, which means to bear the purity, safety and efficacy properties with natural healing effect. 

Hence, I request you to get the scientific validation done, of our product, mentioned above i.e. Atherocid tab, Nephromed tab, Sp., Lipidomed Tab., Dibetomed Tab., Kutjabilwa Panak Sp., Hepatomed Tab,Sp., Sandhika Cap., Brainomed Tab.,Sp. in the interest of suffering humanity.  This will not only bring the good health but also increase the global acceptability and hence the Industrialization and job opportunity, and the socio-economic empowerment of our nation can be achieved.  As the herbs are grown in villages and forests, the people of village, farmers and Scheduled caste and scheduled tribes shall be also benefited. 
Soliciting a sympathetic consideration.
With regards
Yours sincerely

Vachaspati Tripathi
B.Pharma. (Hons.), M. Pharma, IT BHU
S.R.F., U.G.C. (Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Ayurveda)
S.R.F., U.G.C. (Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences)
Managing Director, Surya Pharmaceuticals
General Secretary : Prof. S.N. Trispathi Memorial Foundation

Thursday 31 March 2011


·                    The global share of Indian herbal products is less than 2 % of the global market.
·                    Despite the fact that India, the wisdom of Herbal knowledge, not only has a rich bio-diversity but also have traditional knowledge based on therapeutic efficacy of a large number of medicinal plants.
·                    The global herbal market is more than US$ 70 Billion which is growing 7-12 % annually and likely to become US$ 5 Trillion by the year 2050.

1.                  Herbs are colleted and cultivated from forest, mountains and rural sectors providing jobs to almost about 80% of citizens of India including skilled & unskilled workers resulting growth in agriculture GDP.
2.                  Science & Technology–Research and development bring new formula, properties techniques, formulations & products thus develop patent & scientific results creating job opportunities for scientific and other manpower.
3.                  New formula, formulation and product results in Industrial processing and Industrialization which creates job opportunities and employment to various class of people including technical, Skilled, semi skilled & unskilled resulting growth in Industrial GDP.
4.                  Products need to be safe, pure, effective and standardized for qualities for basic need of consumer, to compete in market and achieve excellence. This further provides job for scientist, skilled & semi skilled people.
5.                  Proper logistic/ transportation & timely safe delivery of finished goods, herbs and raw material within the country and abroad brings prompt services and further beauty in the brand establishment and goodwill of company and country, ultimately add to excellence. This further offer job opportunity to logistic sector persons including unskilled, semi skilled & skilled people.
6.                  The proper education, coordinated management, marketing, regulatory, rules & policies are required to fulfill the needs and remove the barriers thus offering common platform judicious base & working business environment to compete in global market & meet the challenges to achieve global excellence.

When the Indian herbal products acquire the global excellence in qualities, will compete in global market and capture the bigger share of global herbal market. This will result in job generation, employment, self employment, among the sector of skilled, semiskilled and un-skilled people of our country living in rural, suburb, urban, forest and mountain areas, almost covering 80% of Indian population. Thus bringing over all development of our Nation resulting the prosperity in true sense to the dream of Rashtra Bapu-Mahatama Gandhi.      

Vachaspati Tripathi              
Organizing Secretary

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Technological Intervention in Herbal, Natural, Medicinal, Ayurvedic Products

·                    The global share of Indian herbal products is less than 1 % of the global market.
·                    Despite the fact that India, the wisdom of Herbal knowledge, not only has a rich bio-diversity but also have traditional knowledge based on therapeutic efficacy of a large number of medicinal plants.
·                    The global herbal market is more than US$ 70 Billion which is growing 7-12 % annually and likely to become US$ 5 Trillion by the year 2050.

1.                  Herbs are colleted and cultivated from forest, mountains and rural sectors providing jobs to almost about 80% of citizens of India including skilled & unskilled workers resulting growth in agriculture GDP.
2.                  Science & Technology–Research and development bring new formula, properties techniques, formulations & products thus develop patent & scientific results creating job opportunities for scientific and other manpower.
3.                  New formula, formulation and product results in Industrial processing and Industrialization which creates job opportunities and employment to various class of people including technical, Skilled, semi skilled & unskilled resulting growth in Industrial GDP.
4.                  Products need to be safe, pure, effective and standardized for qualities for basic need of consumer, to compete in market and achieve excellence. This further provides job for scientist, skilled & semi skilled people.
5.                  Proper logistic/ transportation & timely safe delivery of finished goods, herbs and raw material within the country and abroad brings prompt services and further beauty in the brand establishment and goodwill of company and country, ultimately add to excellence. This further offer job opportunity to logistic sector persons including unskilled, semi skilled & skilled people.
6.                  The proper education, coordinated management, marketing, regulatory, rules & policies are required to fulfill the needs and remove the barriers thus offering common platform judicious base & working business environment to compete in global market & meet the challenges to achieve global excellence.

When the Indian herbal products acquire the global excellence in qualities, will compete in global market and capture the bigger share of global herbal market. This will result in job generation, employment, self employment, among the sector of skilled, semiskilled and un-skilled people of our country living in rural, suburb, urban, forest and mountain areas, almost covering 80% of Indian population. Thus bringing over all development of our Nation resulting the prosperity in true sense to the dream of Rashtra Bapu-Mahatama Gandhi.       

เคธเคฎृเคฆ्เคง เคญाเคฐเคค เค—ाเคจ

เคจीเค•เคฒे   เคนैं เคนเคฎ
เคชเคฅ-เคชเคฅिเค• เคฌเคจเค•เคฐ
เคฒोเค— เคฎिเคฒเคคे เคœाเคंเค—े  เคธเคฎเคฐ เคฎें
เค•ाเคฐเคตां เคฌเคจเค•เคฐ
                                     เคฌเคš्เคšे เคชเคข़ें เคนเคฐ เคนाँเคฅ  เค•ो เคนो เค•ाเคฎ
                                     เคฎाเคคा-เคชिเคคा เคฌเคนเคจों เค•ा เคนो เคธเคฎ्เคฎाเคจ 
                                     เคตिเคœ्เคžाเคจ เคคเค•เคจीเค•ी เคธे เคนो เคนเคฐ เค•ाเคฎ
                                     เคญाเคฐเคคीเคฏ เคธंเคธ्เค•ृเคคि เค•ा เคจ เคนो เค…เคชเคฎाเคจ

เคช्เคฐเค•ृเคคि เค•เคฐे  เคงเคฐा เค•ो เคธुเคธเคœ्เคœिเคค  
เคชเคฐ्เคฏाเคตเคฐเคฃ เคจ เคนो เคฒเคœ्เคœिเคค 
เคฒเคนเคฐाเคคा เคฐเคนे เคธเคฆैเคต  เคคिเคฐंเค—ा
เค•ैเคฒाเคถ เคนिเคฎाเคฒเคฏ เค”เคฐ เค—ंเค—ा

                                           เคนिเคจ्เคฆू เคนै เคจ เคนเคฎ เคฎुเคธเคฒเคฎाเคจ 
                                            เคชเคนเคฒे เคนैं เคนเคฎ เคญाเคฐเคคीเคฏ
                                            เคฒเคนू  เค•े เคฐंเค—  เค•ो เคชเคนเคšाเคจो
                                            เคฎाเคŸी เคนै  เคชुเค•ाเคฐเคคी 

เคจ เคนोเคจे เคฆेंเค—े เคนเคฎ เค•เคฒंเค•िเคค
เคตीเคฐो เค•ा เคฌเคฒिเคฆाเคจ 
เค‰เค ो เคœाเค—ो เคšเคฒो เคœเคตाเคจो
เคธाเค•ाเคฐ เค•เคฐो เคญाเคฐเคค เค•ा เคธ्เคตाเคญिเคฎाเคจ 
                                   เค–ेเคคी-เคฌाเคฐी เค”เคฐ เค•िเคธाเคจ
                                   เคœिเคธ เคฆेเคถ เค•ी เคนो เคถाเคจ  
                                   เคเคธे เคธเคฎृเคฆ्เคง เคญाเคฐเคค เค•ी
                                   เคชुเคจः เคตिเคถ्เคต เคฎें เคนो เคชเคนเคšाเคจ
                                                    เคฆ्เคตाเคฐा - เคกा. เคตाเคšเคธ्เคชเคคि เคค्เคฐिเคชाเค ी  Mo.  09415225324

Monday 14 March 2011



            เค…เคฌ เคคो เคธंเคœ्เคžाเคจ เคฎें เคคो เคฒे, เคช्เคฐเค•ृเคคि เค•ो เคจ เค›ेเคก़े , เคชृเคฅ्เคตी เคœเคฒ เคตाเคฏु เค…เค—्เคจि เค†เค•ाเคถ เค•ो เคธुเคฐเค•्เคทिเคค เคฐเค–े 

The earth quakes resulting tsunami affected nuclear power plant of Japan along with many destructions and damages.
                The Tihari dam may become more horrific and engulf great part India, if we do not become conscious now by this happening.

 Using Natural resources for selfish interest of human being must be justified under safety values.
The nuclear reactor may be shut down but Tihari dam once broken/cracked cannot be stopped for damages.


  • 600MW hydro power 
  • 260 meter height from sea level
  • Rock fill dam at Tihari across Bhagirathi has a storage of 3500million cubic meter
  • 1000 MW stage-I
  • 1000 MW stage-II
  • Another dam 22km downstream to Tihari dam 103.5 meter high concrete dam storage of 86 million cubic meter water, 400MW at Koteshwar. 
  • Dam located in between two crashing tectonic plates of India and Tibet known for devastating earthquakes, devastating floods may caused  by inevitable collapse of earth and rock fill dam at Tihari and concrete dam at Koteshwear.
   เค•เคนाँ เคคเค• เคจ्เคฏाเคฏिเค• เคนोเค—ा เคช्เคฐเค•ृเคคि  เค•ा เคฆोเคนเคจ เคฎाเคจเคตीเคฏ เคธ्เคตाเคฐ्เคฅो เค• เคฒिเค เคนเคฎें  เคคเคฏ เค•เคฐเคจा เคชเคก़ेเค—ा   เค‰เคชเคญोเค— เค•ी เคฎाเคจเคธिเค•เคคा เค•ो เคค्เคฏाเค—เคจा เคนोเค—ा

Saturday 12 March 2011



By – *Prof. Y.B.Tripathi, **Dr. Vachaspati Tripathi

Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas : are practiced in the sanatany system of Hindu mythology since time immemorial. It was treated as very important and necessary for the individual’s well being, and was consider to be as precious as taking NECTOR to save life.  These communal baths are usually held during the winter season at Prayag, Haridwar, Nasik, Ujjain and other places, after every six year, in the name of Kumbha, Ardh Kumbha and Maha Kumbha where lakhs of people take bath together.

Scientific facts are mentioned below based on the chapter of  fundamentals of Biological Pharmacy written by Prof. Bernard Witlin, DSc, Prof. of Microbiology, Philadelphia collage of Pharmacy and science, Philadelphia, Pa19104. Mentioned in text book of Remington’s Pharmaceuticals science.

The correlation and expalation of Kumbha Bath and Kalpwas with scientific fact is mentioned below under heading entitled Kumbh bath and kalpwas.

Scientific Fact: Upon first exposure to a germ or other antigen (foreign bodies), several days may be required before an individual achieves peak production of antibodies. The antibodies are the defense proteins which are formed in cells of lymphoid series, when subjected to suitable antigenic stimulation.
Kumbh bath and kalpwas: provides the first exposure or stimulation of human being to several new germs or other antigens of known or unknown origins and appropriate antibodies are produced

Scientific Fact: On subsequent exposure to the microorganisms however the body appears to remember the first trial and is ready to produce the appropriate antibody.  This secondary response is fast and massive, often peaking within a few hours.
Kumbh bath and kalpwas : upon subsequent exposure to infections of known or unknown germ/microorganism/antigen anywhere in future, the body produces antibodies quickly and in a massive amount, with in a few hours - making the body immune to those infection/microorganism/antigen.

Scientific Fact:     Each antibody is good for only one antigen and each antigen stimulates the production of only one antibody.  The body may remember exposure to one virus. yet be unprepared for the virus’ first cousin.
Kumbh bath and kalpwas:      the periodic nature of these baths is significant. The body develops the antibody against all germ/microorganism/antigen during the kumbha bath and kalpwas, and gets the immunity, but during the 6 years interval many new germs/microorganisms/antigens develop due to mutation, and bring genotypic change, for which normal human body is not immuned. For regular immunization kumbha bath provides periodic bath and kalpwas to –keep a person healthy against infectious disease ( Dangu, Chikangunia, T.B., and Aids are similar new diseases caused by new  microbes.)

Scientific Fact: Immunity is described as a state of non susceptibility to infection.  The degree and speed with which the invader (Bacteria-viruses and fungi) may do harm depend completely upon the resistance or lack of resistance of the host as a result of the development of an adequate level of immunity due to antibodies, the host developed resistance to the invasive power of infecting microorganisms or is capable of protecting itself against the deleterious action of their toxic products.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas : the antibodies prepared for different invaders after the bath makes man immune and thus protect itself against the infection and its bad effect.

Scientific Fact: infections when the natural barriers of the body fail to prevent entrance of microorganisms, infection may result if such organisms are pathogenic.
Kumbh bath and Kalpwas : In the time interval between Kumbh bath, the man/human body is infected naturally and if the body  is not immuned the body or host is incapable of withstanding the attack, hence the host/man develops the disease, progress and may even terminate fatally.

Scientific Fact : In routine immunological studies, protective antibodies to a variety of infections are found in individual.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas: The chances of infection becomes more if more infection bearing men, take bath together at scheduled "Kumbh"-Ghada place, these infection generate protective antibodies to a variety of infections.

Scientific Fact: The degree of immunity possessed is the determining Scientific Factor in successful resistance against future exposures.  Some times the immunity may be ineffective in the event of exposure to an overwhelming dose of infective organism.  Individuals in good health are endowed with a high level immunity; in winter anabolic rate of body increases this offering good general level of health contributes to immunity.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas: It occurs during winter season when the temperature of water is about 7-12°C. Which attenuates the breeding of microorganism thus preventing an over whelming dose of infectants from spreading into water, During the Kalpwas people eat nutritious diet in several “AKHADA” thus individual attains good health and develops maximum degree of immunity which is sufficient for successful resistance.

Scientific Fact:.

Scientific Fact: Antibodies occur in response to infection or antigen in the body.  Sensitization or invasion may develop as a result of ingestion, dermal contact or even of inhalation of provoking agents.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas: The bath at kumbh or “Ghada” specific spot provides for ingestion, dermal contact or even of inhalation of provoking agents, which stimulates production of antibodies.

Scientific Fact: The antibodies produced are generally specific for the antigen which caused their production and are usually demonstrable in the blood serum and other body fluids. The antibodies are particularly associated with the globulin fractions of the protein content of the blood serum.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas: The above Scientific Fact can be tested and the importance of Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas can be established.

Scientific Fact: The generic term applicable to a wide variety of substances which are antagonistic to or capable of neutralizing the antigens responsible for their production is antibodies.  These include antitoxin, agglutinins, lysine and precipitins. Other antibodies may be bacterio static, bactericidal or virucidal.  Many common diagnostic tests are based on antigen-antibody reactions.  Clinically, antibodies are distinguished as being antibacterial (antiviral), and as being antitoxin.  Specific antibodies are reactive only against the substance which stimulated their production.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas: Thus the antibodies form due to unknown-known stimulate of antigen and they are specific to unknown – known stimuli hence the assumptions becomes true that  Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas generate immunity against many new diseases including Chikan Guinea, Dangu, Hey fewer & AIDS, T.B. etc.

Scientific Fact: If protection is acquired accidentally or artificially, it is called acquired immunity, here the antibodies produced at some time after birth, the two kind of acquired immunity are active acquired immunity and passive acquire immunity.

            Acquired Immunity                                                   Artificial


The biological pharmacy is based on the principle of acquired immunity. General good health implies healthy body tissues, skin and mucous membranes, all important bacterial barriers of good quality, leukocytes in plentiful supply and properly active and so forth. 
Infectious diseases vary considerably among species, races and even among individual on to age and sex.  Some ninety diseases-T.B., Anthrax, Psillacosis, rabies occur in man and animal alike, wile disease such as syphilis, measles, leprosy, gonorrhea, mumps, typhoid fever, dysentery, whooping cough, etc. have not yet been shown in animals. Races also affect susceptibility to tuberculosis.  The resistance of an individual in a given community may also vary greatly, although it must be recognized, it is attributed to acquired immunity, which had developed due to previous contact.  Nutritional well being and fatigue also affect the resistance.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas:  the crore people taking bath together provide infection of microbes which generally affect the subject.  Also the community difference in immunity supports the thought of Hindu Sant, Rishis and Mythology.  Thus people of different communities which take bath at Kumbh develop more immunity.

Scientific Fact: Acquired immunity develops in response to specific stimulus i.e. the introduction of foreign substances is called Active Acquired Immunity; it is acquired by having 1.disease, 2. by single or repeated exposure to sub-infections dose of the disease organism or 3. by being treated usually by injection with the modified disease organisms or their derivatives (Vaccination).  When resistance is developed following active contact with disease organisms under normal conditions the resulting immunity is termed as Natural Acquired Immunity, Immunity produced by vaccination following the injection of toxins, attenuated toxins. (toxoids), allergenic products, or live attenuated or killed microorganism or their products is designated as being artificially acquired immunityThe end products of both instances are presumed to be the same.  Natural acquired immunity is developed slowly, depending upon many factors, including the antigenicity of the organisms, the durations, or at times, repetitiveness of the organism invasion or diseases.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas: The people may bear many infections; they take bath together and thus infect each other, this favors the natural active acquired immunity principle. More over Kalpwas and 5 specific bath their specific duration, times and repetitiveness of the invasion result in increased immunity.

Scientific Fact: The duration of active immunity is quite variable, brief to many years and in some cases last for life.
Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas:  Thus periodic bath after 6 years attribute immunity to the subject human life long against many unknown-known microbes.

Scientific Fact: hypersensitivity The Biological products include vaccines, antigens and toxoids. The use of biological products results in serum sickness, anaphylaxis, allergy, drug and food idiosyncrasies etc. it is called hypersensitivity. Serum sickness is characterized by the formation of rash, urticaria, skin eruption, edema or swelling joint pains, and some times by a slight fever.  It is similar to shock.
Kumbh Bath &  Kalpwas: do not cause hypersensitivity as is a natural process.

Kumbh Bath and Kalpwas: Thus Kumbh bath and kalpwas, its procedure, time, duration, season, atmosphere and lifestyle attribute natural active acquired immunity with almost no hypersensitivity and low cost basis.  It also provides immunity against so many known and unknown microbes or pathogen for which there is no procedure in artificial acquired immunity.  Nectar is defined as a drop of which, when taken can save life of man from death.  Kumbh bath and kalpwas save the life of man from death usually occurs due to infectious diseases due to principle of natural active acquired immunity of biological pharmacy. People may remember that days when Kalajar, Plague etc. took the life of all community or village town, the similar disease may happened earlier caused great loss to humanity, for which the saint and rishis understood the logical cause and established the importance/necessity of Kumbha bath and kalpwas as the Amrita pan.  Hence Kumbh bath and kalpwas is a way to resist death due to infection and may undoubtedly be treated as “Amrit Pan”.

*Prof. Y,B.Tripathi
 Department of Biochemistry, IMS,BHU – Varanasi
** Dr. Vachapati Tripathi
Pharmaceutical Scientist, B.Pharma. (Hons.), M. Pharma, IT BHU
S.R.F., U.G.C. (Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Ayurveda)
S.R.F., U.G.C. ` (Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Medical Sciences)
Proprietor – Surya Pharmaceuticals
Managing Director – Surya Neutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
General Secretary – Prof. S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation
Member Expert Committee on Bhasma, DST, GOI
President Sanatan Sanskrit Kendra
Former Member National Committee for Natural Products
Planning Commission, GOI